Zen Massage - Terms and Conditions
1. General
1.1. Zen Massage provides professional therapeutic massage services for relaxation and wellness purposes only.
1.2. By booking an appointment or using our services, you agree to these terms and conditions.
1.3. Zen Massage reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
1.4. Zen massage place is not suitable for small children.
2. Bookings and payments
2.1. An online booking system has been set up so you can pick a preferred time that suits you.
2.2. Bookings can be made in advance for up to 2 months.
2.3. You will receive email notification of your booking date and time and some helpful information
2.4. On your booking confirmation email there is also a link to cancel your appointment up to 24 hours in advance
2.5. Please be considerate of your therapist and arrive on time at your appointment
2.6. It would be greatly appreciated if all NEW CLIENTS could please arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment start time to complete the necessary paperwork.
2.7. Payment must be received in full at the time of the service unless otherwise agreed upon.
2.9. We accept cash and mobile pay.
3. Cancellations & changes to your appointment
3.1. We require a minimum of 24 hours' notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
3.2. Appointments canceled within the 24-hour of your appointment will incur a 50% (of your booked service) cancellation fee.
3.3. Any no-shows or cancellations with less than 4 hours must be subject to a 100 % cancellation fee for that booking.
3.4. Any cancellations or changes to your booking must be communicated by telephone, email, or through the online booking.
3.5. In case of unavoidable circumstances or emergencies, exceptions may be considered at the discretion of Zen Massage.
4. If your therapist is delayed
4.1 We generally allow enough time between massage sessions to ensure your massage therapist will always run on time and not be delayed.
4.2 If your therapist is delayed, your session duration will be adjusted to ensure you receive the full allotted time.
5. If you are running late
5.1. If you are running late for your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible. That you are not ready to commence your massage at the arranged time. We will try to accommodate you as best as possible.
5.2. Your session may be shortened to accommodate other clients if necessary, and the full session fee will still apply.
6. If your therapist needs to cancel your appointment
6.1. If we have to cancel your appointment due to the therapist being unwell or unavailable, we will notify you via, phone and email.
6.2. We will make every effort to reschedule your appointment to a time that is convenient for you.
7. Gift Vouchers
7.1. Gift vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
7.2. Gift vouchers are valid for a specified period, as indicated on the voucher.
8. Personal Conduct and Comfort
8.1. Zen Massage provides a professional, non-sexual, therapeutic massage service.
8.2. Clients are expected to behave respectfully towards the massage therapist and other guests.
8.3. Underwear must be worn at all times, throughout the massage.
8.4 Your therapist has the right to cancel the message and leave the premises immediately if there is any harassment either physical, sexual, or verbal. This could result in a police report being filed if the charges are deemed to be serious.
8.5. Your therapist will use towel draping to respect your privacy during your massage. The therapist will only uncover the part of your body that they are working on at that time.
8.6. If for any reason you are uncomfortable or need specific attention at any point during your massage, please notify your therapist immediately.
8.7. If you prefer more or less pressure during your massage, or if you need a glass of water, tissue or would like to change the style of massage during your treatment, it’s important that you inform your therapist immediately and they will do their best to accommodate your request.
9. Health Conditions
9.1. Please advise us of any special health conditions or medications when scheduling your appointment as it may impact your selected treatment.
9.2. If you experience any of the following, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor before your treatment to obtain their approval:
- High/low blood pressure
- Heart conditions, allergies
- Physical ailments
- Surgery
- Pregnancy
- Or any other medical conditions
9.3. Zen Massage reserves the right to refuse service to any client with contagious or infectious conditions.
9.4. Clients under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be serviced.
9.5. You will be given a form to complete regarding your health record at the time of your booking. This will allow your therapist to correctly prepare for your massage and provide the best possible treatment for you.
10. Privacy and Confidentiality
10.1. Client information, including personal details and health history, will be kept confidential and only used to provide the massage service.
10.2. Zen Massage complies with all relevant privacy laws and regulations.
11. Liability and Disclaimers
11.1. Zen Massage and its therapists are not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur during or after the massage session.
11.2. Clients are responsible for their personal belongings while on Zen Massage premises.
12. Amendments to Terms and Conditions
12.1. Zen Massage reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
12.2. Clients will be bound by the most recent version of the terms and conditions available on the Zen Massage website or provided upon request.
13. Complaints
13.1. Zen Massage intends to provide clients with a high level of customer service at all times. However, If you have any concerns or complaints about your experience at Zen Massage, please inform us promptly, and we will address the matter professionally and promptly. Please contact us through contact@zenmassage.dk or by telephone at +45 91 88 18 08 (Zhenya), +45 50 36 48 15 (Gyb)
13.2. If dissatisfied during a treatment, please advise at the time and all will be done to resolve the matter.
These terms and conditions are designed to create a positive and respectful environment for all clients and staff at Zen Massage. Clients are encouraged to read and understand these terms before booking an appointment. If you have any questions or require clarification on any of the terms, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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